Markus Vinzent's Blog

Friday 7 October 2011

Writing, proof-reading, editing and publishing in Early Christianity

How important the editing and publishing process for early Christians of the first and second century at Rome was, can be seen from the so-called Shepherd of Hermas in which we read:

(2) The elderly woman came and asked if I had already given the book to the presbyters. I said that I had not. 'You have done well', she said. 'for I have some words to add. Then, when I complete all the words, they will be made known through you to all those who are chosen. (3) And so, you will write two little books, sending one to Clement and the other to Grapte. Clement will send his to the foreing cities, for that is his commission. But Grapte will admonish the widows and orphans. And you will read yours in this city, with the presbyters who lead the church.[1]
If this short note reflects a typical praxis, then books were published and handed out by the author, once they had been read by a few insiders and amendments had been made even by those first readers. But the publishing remained the author’s responsibility, also the first copying and sending out. The first copies, then went to specifically commissioned people, as in this case to Clement who was the agent for foreign cities. These agents made further copies (as otherwise Clement could not have sent the book to a number of foreign ‘cities’), while others, as here Grapte, used their copy for instruction. The task to hand out the book to the leading people in the community, the presbyters, or even to read it out to them, lay with the author. Books, therefore, did not simply made their way into the public. As today, there existed proper structures and procedures for the writing, correcting, publishing, copying and distribution process.

[1] Herm. vis 2.4 [8], trans. B.D. Ehrmann, Loeb Library.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Markus,
    Thank for sharing a important information for Proofreading Editing .
